Welcome to PFG’s documentation!#


Preconditioned functional gradient flow (PFG) is a particle-based sampling framework, which aims to minimize the KL divergence between particle samples and the target distribution with the gradient flow estimates within a parametric function class.


Install the requirements with

pip install -r requirements.txt

This package can be be installed from sources with the following command:

python setup.py install


In this work, we mainly have two parts to construct our package: pfg.sampler and pfg.tasks.

pfg.tasks defines the unnormalized log posterior density conditioned on a dataset, where the log density can be queried by subsampling (stochastic estimation).

pfg.sampler contains the particle samplers, including PFG, SVGD, SGLD. Given an unnormalized density, the sampler will produce several sample particles from the corresponding distribution.


To use our code, we provide a standard procedure to use PFG framework to obtain particle samples

Step 1: Import data X_train and y_train;

Step 2: Construct a model by feeding data to a task, e.g. Bayesian Neural Networks.

model = pfg.tasks.BayesianNN(X_train, y_train, batch_size,
                                 num_particles, hidden_dim)

Step 3: Initialize a sampler trainer.

# Initialize particles
theta = torch.randn(...)

# For PFG, we have to define the function class first
activation = nn.Sigmoid()
net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(n_features, h),
                     activation, nn.Linear(h, h),
                     activation, nn.Linear(h, n_features))

# Define trainer
trainer = sampler.PFG(theta, lr, net, optim = opt)

Step 4: Train a sampler.

for epoch in range(ITERATION+1):

Step 5: Return particles theta.


We provide several examples to show how to use our package in your problem.

You may refer to examples/ for more details.



If this software is useful for you, please consider citing our paper that describes the PFG framework:

   title={Particle-based Variational Inference with Preconditioned Functional Gradient Flow},
   author={Hanze Dong and Xi Wang and Yong Lin and Tong Zhang},
   booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},


If you are having issues, please let us know and send email to hdongaj AT ust.hk.

Indices and tables#